27 Sep NESET International Closing Conference
The NESET International Closing Conference took place online on 24th of September 2021 aimed at presenting the results achieved by the partners over the project‘s period. The conference was organized by TUCEP in cooperation with the Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and was attended by representatives of companies working in the tourism industry, Universities, VET providers, trainers, young people interested to work in the tourism sector and many other stakeholders from the beneficiary countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Portugal and Romania) and the expertise country – Iceland.
The conference started with the speech of Dr. Vitelli, as representative of the Italian Travel and Tourism Federation, who talked about the new skills required by the tourism businesses with regard to the social, digital and green skills.
Then the project goals and key-outcomes were presented by Prof. Todorov, as the project coordinator, who left the floor to Prof. Hassid who talked about the NESET Training resources developed by the partnership and the related workshops experience delivered in Greece in order to upgrade the young people’s skills.
Finally, the NESET e-support platform was presented by Mrs. Ekaterina Ignatova showing the opportunities the platform offers for international job placement mobilities and support for youth business start-ups in the tourism sector. Although the project has arrived at its end, the NESET e-support platform is still available to young people and job-seekers as well as businesses in the tourism sector interested to benefit from the platform services (http://neset-platform.eu/).
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