17 Dec Two National Publicity events in Romania
Two National Publicity events in Romania
In the last months Geo Club Association organized two national publicity events aimed at presenting the NESET project and the opportunities it can provide to the participants. The first event took place on 4th of December 2020 involving 8 guests representing NGOs from Romania and youth workers. The event was a brainstorming where NGOs focused on development cooperation and discussed the possible cooperation for the current and future project activities.
The second national publicity event took place on 15th of December 2020 involving 57 participants from ministries, county agency for employment, youth centers, ngos, youth workers, NEETs people, volunteers, local press. Keynote speakers were: State Secretary, Director of Secretary State and Chief of Staff from Ministry of Youth and Sports; Social worker from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Romania; ANOFM Vaslui from County Agency for Employment; the Director of Centrul pentru Tineret al Municipiului București ( Bucharest Youth Center) and other relevant speakers from Romanian Youth associations.
After presenting the NESET objectives and project’ status, speakers talked about the vulnerable status of young people and how to better monitor their problematic access to the labour market. The NESET training program was presented as an opportunity for NEETs in order to be better prepared for their access to the world of work.
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