27 Nov The NESET training sessions carried out in Greece
In Greece, from 06th of November 2020 to 26th of November 2020 the Life-long Learning Center SARONIS (GR) organised a series of online training sessions on the horizontal NESET Skills Group of “Social and Communication Skills”. The sessions were attended by 60 participants (divided in three groups of 20 trainees) from throughout Greece, aged 15 to 29. The four training sessions that each group attended had a duration of six training hours.
After the conclusion of the training program on Social and Communication Skills, the Greek participants, based on their interests, skills and experience were divided and attended the three transversal training programs on the NESET skills groups of “Employability Skills”, “Entrepreneurship Skills” and “Validation of Skills” in Tourism. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, those trainings took also place in the form of synchronous e-learning and were implemented from 30th of November 2020 to 08th of December 2020. Each training program had a duration of 24 hours and combined the theoretical training with group activities and role playing. The tourism related skills, knowledge and experience of the participants in the “Validation of Skills” program were assessed according to a set of predefined criteria and those who fulfilled them were awarded Validation Certificates, signed by Varna Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
In parallel with the above-mentioned trainings, the participants that attended the “Employability Skills” training program familiarized themselves with the NESET “job placement and employment mobility portal” and the trainees that attended the “Entrepreneurship Skills” program were taught the use of the NESET “Instructive simulation environment for start-up support”, accessed both through the project’s e-support platform.
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