26 Sep NESET publicity events in Bulgaria and Croatia
25 September 2020
A Major publicity event for the Year 2 of the NESET Project was held in Park Hotel PERSEY in Varna on 05-06 December 2019. About 110 participants from different target groups attended the event – Managers of tourist companies, students and teachers from Vocational school of tourism, College of tourism, Economical University, representatives of NGOs, unemployed people, representatives of Regional Employment office. There were publications in regional sites and newspapers. A video of the event is available on the following web address: https://youtu.be/PTxT9LJX0Co
The two Croatian NESET Project Partners – Association ECHO and VEGORA organised a National Info Day in Croatia, on 25 September 2020. Participants of the event were local stakeholders, representatives of Norwegian embassy in Zagreb, various Universities, public open schools, media, tourist boards and entrepreneurs in tourism. More information on the event (in Croatian) can be found on the following web address: http://cityportal.hr/mlade-u-nepovoljnom-polozaju-zele-osposobiti-za-poslove-u-turizmu-i-pokretanje-vlastitog-posla/
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