INFO DAY of the project was organized by Local Development Agency Of The City Of Velika Gorica – VE-GO-RA with Association for the Promotion of Active Citizenship ECHO, as partners on the NESET project financed from EGP-a i Norway Grants Fund organized NESET National Info day on September 25th 2020. In Public Open University Velika Gorica, Croatia.
The meeting was attended by Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in the Republic of Croatia, Mrs. Homma Latif, representatives of the City of Velika Gorica, Zagreb County Tourist Boards, Universities, high schools and employers from the tourism industry.
At this gathering main activities of the project were presented as well as project goals, the analysis of the competence gap of young NEET persons in relation to the requirements of the labor market and future activities of informal free education for 60 young people aged 25-29. The topics of the trainings are “Social and communication skills”, “Employment skills in tourism” and “Tourist entrepreneurial skills”.
After the event, a good feedback was received and it was promoted in a large number of newspapers and portals as weel as social media.
Participants were also invited to the possibilities of involvement in the project in the planned project activities. The meeting was attended by 20 participants.
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